Carramar PS is in the Auburn Network of schools and has an enrolment of 220 students. Approximately 81% of the students are from LBOTE including a number of new arrival and refugee students. Arabic (25%), Vietnamese (9%) and other Asian languages are the dominant groups, with Samoan and a small number of African groups also represented. A small number of students (1%) identify as being from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background. Currently half of our staff are New Scheme Teachers. There has been some in area, local development and construction of apartments which is projected to impact and increase student numbers in the next one to three years. Local council re-zoning will continue to impact and increase student enrolment numbers beyond the three year period. The school is well resourced and can accommodate the provision of classrooms required for such growth.
Our school employs a Community Liaison Officer 2 days a week. This role focuses on encouraging our parents/carers to become involved in the life of the school and become an active partner in their child's schooling. This role also supports community wellbeing and builds life experiences for students by coordinating programs including: Breakfast Club, Parent Cooking Club, Bike Riding and Community Playgroup.
The school has completed a situational analysis that has identified our three areas of focus for the current Strategic Improvement Plan. It is important to note that it builds upon the work undertaken in the previous school planning cycle around independent and active learners, exemplary classroom practitioners with high level professional expertise, and informed and engaged parents with strong home partnerships. The three new directions contain a similar theme and approach with the goal to build and extend on the traction and progress already made. We use data driven practices that ensures all students have access to stage appropriate learning.
Our school is committed to optimising student engagement and implementing innovative learning practices and skills to embed new curriculum. Led by our two APC&I, through the delivery of high quality professional learning and hands-on instructional leadership, K-6 teachers are supported in the effective use of data to drive teaching and learning programs, ensuring delivery of new curriculum. Interventionist strategies and practices by support staff are utilised to support tiered interventions, focused on progressing all students from their current levels of achievement.
Led by the two APC&I, quality summative and formative assessment tasks and data collection practices are a focus to ensure that teachers are gathering data and that they are developing greater consistency of judgement across grades. This process is aligned to effective teacher feedback. Work with individual students is responsive and closely monitored. Individual and targeted support is provided where growth is not evident. Pre and post assessments are carried out to assess the impact of the support structures and programmes put in place. The support structures in place ensure that we identify students who require intervention and identify students not showing the desired growth.
Our well established and rigorous school PBL program ensures a united whole school approach that supports the development of quality student learners who are safe, responsible and respectful. A whole school behaviour approach ensures every classroom is a quality classroom with quality students led and supported by quality teachers. Our student leadership program is valued and appreciated by our community. It provides genuine leadership opportunities where students develop responsibility and pride in their amazing school. .
Anthony Mazzitelli
Proud Principal